
Jimmy Fallon Says Farewell To “Late Night” & Hello To “The Tonight Show”

On Friday night Jimmy Fallon said goodbye to “Late Night” after hosting for five years. The comedian will take a 10 day break before stepping into Jay Leno’s shoes on “The Tonight Show.” 

“I’m really going to miss being on TV at 12:37,” Fallon joked in his farewell monologue.

“I’m not gonna cry,” he said.. “but I’m gonna get really close.”

Andy Samberg came to the rescue with words of wisdom – or just words of teasing, “You got to pull it together,” Samberg said, “You got to man up.”

According to Associated Press, Fallon has promised that nothing much will change with his talk-comedy-music formula, except the new time slot and “Tonight Show” title.

Seth Meyers will take over for Fallon on February 24th and Fallon for Leno on the 17th. 

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