
How To Keep Your Pets Safe & Sound On New Year’s Eve

new year's eve pet safety tips

While many people look forward to the big gatherings with friends and family, fireworks, noisemakers, music and champagne on New Year's Eve, these festivities can be very frightening and dangerous for our beloved pets. With a little planning and precaution, you can ensure that your New Year's celebration is enjoyable for you and your furry friends.

Below are some safety tips to keep in mind this weekend.

  • Keep your pet indoors
    New Year's Eve and the days following are usually some of the busiest at LA City Animal Shelters. Many pets escape their homes because they are afraid of loud sounds from fireworks.

    The best way to keep your pets safe is to make sure they stay indoors and in an enclosed room if possible. 
    If you do allow your pet outside to go to the bathroom, be sure that your gates or fence are secure or that your pet stays on a leash. Big bangs and noise from fireworks can be very intimidating and cause a scared dog to find the smallest opening in a fence and escape.

    Even if your pet doesn't seem obviously upset by fireworks, they can still cause harm to pets if burned or if they accidentally ingest them. 

  • Create a calming environment

    If you're having guests over or a party, try creating a safe place in your home where your pet can have some quiet space away from your company such as a room that's off-limits or a familiar crate with some of their favorite toys or a comforting blanket.
    Play soothing music and keep the room as quiet as possible by closing doors, windows and blinds. While celebrating, it is easy to forget that loud noises and celebratory poppers or noisemakers can scare your four-legged friend. 

  • Make sure toxic food and drinks are out of reach
    Alcoholic beverages are very toxic to pets. Some people will not know this and may leave a cup in a place where your pet can access it. Many rich foods are not good for your pet as well and can even be toxic, such as chocolate.

    Be sure to let all guests know that alcoholic beverages and foods should be kept out of reach at all times and to not share with your pet.

  • Always make sure your pet has up-to-date identification 
    If for any reason your pet escapes and becomes lost, a collar with a current license and/or ID tag on them and a microchip that's registered with your contact information, will help reunite you with your companion animal.
  • What to do if your pet does get out
    If your pet is lost, go to the nearest animal shelter where you last saw your best friend. Tell them that you lost your pet and give them specific information about what your pet looks like, if they are microchipped and if they are wearing a license or tag.

    To find the LA City Shelter locations, go to

    You may also search LA Animal Services lost animal database at:

By keeping these precautions in mind, New Year's Eve can be a fun and safe celebration instead of frightful one for you and your four-legged family members.

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