
Naya Rivera Joins NIOXIN As Celebrity Ambassador

nioxin, naya riveraNIOXIN® announced actress, singer and author Naya Rivera as the brand's new Celebrity Ambassador.

Together, NIOXIN and Rivera will help give a voice to the 75% of Americans who are worried about losing their hair* and the 46% of Americans who think there is nothing they can do to prevent their hair from thinning. NIOXIN encourages and empowers men and women to talk openly about thinning hair, and Rivera will lead the charge in helping normalize this otherwise taboo and embarrassing subject.

Speaking to the 59% of women who do not know that giving birth can cause hair loss, Rivera will also help educate consumers, specifically new mothers. As a new mom herself, Rivera knows firsthand about the struggles of postpartum hair loss and the effect it can have on a woman, both physically and emotionally. Rivera's confidence and honesty inspire women around the world to embrace their struggles and view them as an opportunity to take action, by simply talking with family and friends or consulting with a stylist.

"I am so thrilled to join the NIOXIN team as their Celebrity Brand Ambassador! Thinning hair has been misrepresented for so long and I think it's about time we elevate the conversation. I'm excited to really help people – whether there's a new mom out there who doesn't understand why her hair has changed or started to thin, or a woman who is constantly dealing with dry scalp (like I was) – there is a solution," says Rivera.


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