
The State Of California’s Drought: Things Are Looking Up

california droughtThings are beginning to look up for the state of California's drought. It was just last May when Governor Jerry Brown imposed statewide water conversation rules.

Many have transformed their once green grass lawns into succulent, pebble and mulch filled landscaping to save on H2O.

In February, with more than 1.1 million acre-feet of water conserved from June 2015 through January, the state was 96 percent of the way toward reaching its goal of 1.2 million acre-feet of water to be saved by the end of that month.

News is even better this Spring. Felicia Marcus, chairwoman of the State Water Resources Control Board said in March, "We are likely to ease the rules or lift the rules… We are in better shape."

Better shape means that water restrictions and rules may be slightly lifted.


According to reports, with significant rain and snow in recent months, the drought emergency is less an emergency than in the past five years.

The state water board is scheduled to hold a public hearing April 20th in Sacramento and will most likely make a final decision May 3th regarding any amended conservation rules.

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