SHOWTIME has renewed its critically-acclaimed documentary series INSIDE COMEDY for a third season, set to premiere Sunday, February 2nd at 11 P.M. ET/PT. The ten, half-hour episodes from comedy forces David Steinberg and Steve Carell, will continue to feature one-of-a-kind interviews with some of the most respected entertainers who have shaped the genre over the last several decades, with Steinberg returning as host.
In addition to Jimmy Fallon, Zach Galifianakis, Jonah Hill, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Bette Midler, the new season will also include Alan Arkin, Dick Van Dyke, and Richard Belzer, along with more names to be announced. Each episode of INSIDE COMEDY offers viewers a definitive look inside the career-defining moments, the influences and personal anecdotes of the crème de la crème of the comedy world, along with rare footage of some of their most memorable performances on the stage, television and film.
Carell and Steinberg will continue to serve as executive producers alongside Vance DeGeneres and Charlie Hartsock for Carousel Productions, as well as Alan Zweibel.