The unsettling story of the Lambert family is coming to Universal Studios Hollywood’s “Halloween Horror Nights,” as “Insidious: Into The Further” transports guests to a dark realm where malevolent souls and demonic entities exist in the tormented existence of their past lives. Based on the 2010 horror thriller “Insidious” and the upcoming sequel “Insidious: Chapter 2,” the haunted attraction joins the highly-anticipated line up of terrifying mazes at the award-winning Halloween event, opening September 20.
The nightmare journey focuses on the evil spirit that has haunted the Lambert clan for two generations. Maze-goers will travel into the world of the dead to confront the malicious souls hell-bent on bringing suffering to the living.
“To bring the paranormal world of ‘Insidious’ to life, we’re collaborating with the film’s director James Wan, writer/co-star Leigh Whannell and producer Jason Blum, who all happen to be huge fans of our Halloween event,” said “Halloween Horror Nights” Creative Director John Murdy.
The “Insidious: Into The Further” terror begins even before guests enter the maze, as paranormal investigators ‘Tucker’ and ‘Specs’ anxiously forewarn them about the evil that lurks within. Visitors soon learn that the pair’s caution should have been heeded, as they traverse through the most frightening scenes from both films.