
Comedian Richard Lewis Takes On “Squirrels To The Nuts”

Richard LewisRichard Lewis has joined the cast of Squirrels To The Nuts. The Peter Bogdanovich directed film is produced by Wes Anderson and Noah Baumbach and stars Owen Wilson, Jennifer Aniston, Cybil Shepherd, Imogen Poots and others.

LEWIS rescheduled some of the dates of his current Tracks of my Fears Tour to join the film now shooting in NYC. Lewis will play the father of the main character, who is a prostitute turned Broadway actress. Shepherd plays his wife, her mother. Wilson will play a married Broadway director who falls for their daughter and helps with her acting career. Aniston plays his therapist.

As Al Morrison, LEWIS plays against type as a gruff meathead kind of guy who wears cowboy boots and does not favor black clothing that LEWIS is famous for. He says, “It feels so great not being anxious I’m considering staying in character for life…except for the cowboy boots Al wears. They take 4 hours for this Brooklyn boy to put on.” 

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