
The Facts About Obesity & Making A Change

We cannot turn our heads away from the obesity epidemic in America. Luckily, non profit organizations and for profit companies such as supermarket retailers and product manufacturers are becoming more involved in helping Americans fight their obesity battle. According to the World Health Organization 68 percent of American adults and over 30 percent of American children are considered overweight or obese.

Food Nutrition & Science Magazine is focusing on the issue. “Obesity not only affects health, but also the economy and it’s time that we all work together to make changes that matter,” says Phil Lempert, founder of Food Nutrition & Science and CEO of The Lempert Report and “We’re dedicating this entire Food Nutrition & Science issue to obesity so readers can better understand the people, companies and organizations trying to make a difference.”

One article this month examines The Coca Cola Company who recognizes their role in weight-related issues. In an effort to help fight obesity but still honoring its bottom-line, the company continues to create and offer new low- and no-calorie options. Currently they have 180 diet or zero calorie beverages available in the U.S. In addition, the company voluntarily removed full-calorie soft drinks from primary and secondary schools and it’s involved in supporting physical activity and nutrition programs in local communities.

Here’s to fighting fat in 2013. For more information or to subscribe, please visit

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