
4 Tips On How To Organize With IKEA

Getting organized is your New Year's Resoluton? Check out IKEA's top tips and new storage pieces to help you reach your goal!


1. Sort it out. What good is a hanging pole in a closet when all your clothes need to be folded? Similarly, a chest of drawers is great for socks and undergarments, but not the best place to store your sweaters. By taking inventory of what you have, then planning the right storage for your needs, you’ll have a bedroom that’s easy to keep organized.

2. Jewelry and Scarves and Shoes, Oh My! Accessories are a fun way to express your style and personality. However, things like necklaces become a tangled mess if not stored properly and pairs of earrings or shoes are unwearable when you can only find one. Organizing means that “perfect” thing will be there right when you (and your outfit) need it.

3. Put on Your Game Face. Having an organized space in your bedroom for your beauty routine sure beats leaning over a wet sink in the shared bathroom, trying not to drop your cosmetics in the toilet! Get ready to face the day in your own personal styling zone, with everything you need within easy reach.

4. Getting the Hang of It. As you become more organized with your belongings, you’ll find it easier to be more organized with your time as well. One way to save yourself time in the morning is by setting out your outfit for the next day the night before. With everything picked out and hung up neat and tidy, all you have to do is get dressed.


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