

National Dance Day: Join The Flash Mob With Mary Murphy & Mark Ballas!

National Dance Day Mary Murphy Mark Ballas

So You Think You Can Dance” claimed the last Saturday of every July as NATIONAL DANCE DAY! To celebrate, Mary Murphy, judge and choreographer from SYTYCD and the leaders of Flash Mob America will teach guests dance steps to “Get My Name” from singer/dancer Mark Ballas (“Dancing with the Stars”) to orchestrate the largest flash mob ever seen on “5 Towers” Stage at Universal CityWalk. The dance competition series will film the flash mob for possible inclusion in an upcoming episode. Following the dancing, Ballas will take to the stage to perform his new music.

They hope to create the largest flash mob ever at “5 Towers” Stage! Murphy will be choreographing alongside Ballas

7:00 – 7:45pm          Mary Murphy teaches choreography
8:00 – 8:30pm          Flash Mob Dance / Mark Ballas performs

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