
Guardians of Rescue Save Hundreds of Abandoned Dogs In Bahamas

Just days ago, the nation watched as Hurricane Dorian ravaged the Bahamas. Thousands of people have been left without homes, and many have lost contact with their dogs.

guardians of rescue

While some were lost in the storm, others may have been left behind in an attempt to get the family to safety. Now, hundreds of dogs are in need of being brought to safety, and provided with medical care and food. Guardians of Rescue have stepped in to help in this dire situation, bringing in the dogs on chartered planes from the Bahamas to safe spots in Florida and New York.

"We are no strangers to helping dogs in dire situations, this is exactly why our organization exists," explains Robert Misseri, president of Guardians of Rescue, an animal rescue organization. "We will do everything we can to help as many dogs as we are able to, but we can't do it without the help of the public. This is going to be a very costly endeavor, so we can use all the financial assistance we can get."

Chella Phillips, a Nassau, Bahamas resident who manages The Voiceless Dogs of Nassau, took in nearly 100 stray dogs when the storm was approach, in order to provide them with a safe place. Guardians of Rescue are working with her to bring the dogs back to America, where they will find them permanent homes. They currently have people on the ground in the Bahamas in order to bring the dogs back to America. 

On September 9, 2019, the hard-hitting animal rescue organization brought back the first 30 dogs. They plan to relocate a total of 98 of them to America. They have teamed up with Animal Aid USA and Animal Wellness Foundation to help prepare and load the first group of dogs that were airlifted to safety in Florida. The ultimate goal, after they are fed and receive a health examination, is to find them new permanent homes in the United States. More flights are scheduled in the days ahead, until all of the abandoned animals are in safe haven in America.

"We are on a mission to help these animals, and we hope that the community will help support the mission," adds Misseri. "There are many dogs in need of food, medicine, shelter, and permanent loving homes. Together, we can make a wonderful difference."

Guardians of Rescue desperately need financial donations to assist with the large-scale dog rescue in the Bahamas. Those who would like to make a donation to help with the rescue can do so via the following link:

Guardians of Rescue provide assistance to animals out on the streets. They are located in Long Island, New York, and they have a chapter in Miami, but they help animals in many places beyond where their chapters are located. They are also instrumental in helping military members with their pets. To learn more, get involved, or to make a donation to support the Guardians of Rescue, log onto

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