

Stepping Into Your Past Life With Nicolas Aujula

Believe it or not some people have the ability to take you back in time.

Nicolas Aujula, past life reading

Nicolas Aujula is one of them. How does he do it? I am not sure, but have you ever wondered who you might have been in a past life?  Nicolas is an internationally acclaimed expert that offers a unique blend of holistic and lifestyle services to help you live a more soulful life. He is an inspirational therapist, advisor and stylist that aims to bring empowerment through using a practical approach to metaphysical understanding. He has appeared on  many television shows in the U.S., as well as in the U.K.

Nicolas discovered his calling at age 17 after falling into a trance-like state that stimulated past-life memories, that awakened him to discover the existence of life after death and explained the various facets of his current life. As a Parapsychologist over the past 10 years, he has tapped into Past Life Regression, Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Future Life Progression, Astrology and Psychic Mediumship to help thousands of people discover their own past-lives for accelerated insight and life change, that gets to the core of situations by understanding the bigger picture of the soul's journey through time. Often when conventional techniques fail, PLR seems to provide a solution.

I am a skeptic by nature but I was curious. After learning that Nicolas was coming to Los Angeles, I could not resist the opportunity to meet him. A very soft spoken individual, he revealed his past experiences.

Tell me when you discovered your gift and how it happened.

It all began when I was 17 years old. I fell into a trance-state dream meditation. It was completely spontaneous; it was not planned whatsoever. And being in this trance state, it just felt like I’d left my body. It was like I had left this earthly plane, and I had visions of past lives, of living in other bodies, other times. It was just an instant revelation that I’ve lived before, that this is me, and somehow what I’ve been through — my various incarnations — has brought me here today. In a way, it was a very life-changing experience, because at the time I was in high school. So I ended up leaving my conventional education. I was 17, so I was studying history, economics and business studies. The next day I went to school and I never went back. I just knew it was not for me. I just felt, “This isn’t for me; there’s something much greater for me to do.” Literally overnight you could say a transformation occurred in my life, and that began my journey to exploring past lives with those around me.

Past and future lives, or just past lives?

Both. I’m a firm believer that we have a past life, but we also a future life to come. So whatever we’re doing now will have some kind of influence on where we will go in our future life. I think the more aware we can become of ourselves, the more we can make choices that will dictate where we go. The future life is dictated by what you’re doing now and how you’re thinking, so the more empowered you can be, the more empowered your future life is going to be. It’s all your choice. There’s no man with a white beard in the heavens looking down on you, telling you where you’re going to go. It’s actually all down to you, because you are the master of your own destiny.

For your clients, how did this happen? How do people find you?

People find me through my website, but I’ve also been featured in numerous national newspapers, especially in Britain. The Daily Mail, the Sun, the Daily Mirror, I’ve also appeared on a Channel 4 documentary. I’ve done TV series for the Biography Channel. I’ve also appeared on news segments. In a way, this has created a profile for me in the U.K., which enables people to find me to recommend. It’s really grown from there over the years.

Is coming to the States something you want to do? Why are you here?

I’m in Los Angeles because I love the people. I love the weather, and the people here are very open-minded. In order for people to accept and acknowledge what I do, an open mind is necessary. So to me, Los Angeles is the ideal place in the USA.

Do you have clients in Los Angeles?

I do. I work face-to-face, but also through Skype and telephone. It’s not just limited to face-to-face appointments. We live in an age where people are stuck to their phones, so actually sometimes people don’t want to wait; they want something instant. Skype and telephone, I feel in the therapeutic community, will grow as the years go by. I think online therapy, online treatments and online readings, as a market, are going to expand as time goes on.

Are there people you cannot help?

I say around 80 percent of people can be regressed. Twenty percent cannot, and with the 20 percent who do not regress, it’s because they cannot relax. They are not comfortable. They do not want to go there. They’re not intuitive. They’re too rational. They’re too narrow-minded. So those are some reasons why it may not work for individuals, but 80 percent of people can regress. Comfort between the practitioner and the client is essential as well.

I read that not only can you read people, but you can make them feel better if they are sick.

That’s correct.

Nicolas Aujula, past life reading

How did that happen? Do they do it by themselves?

If you look at chronic health problems such as migraines, IBS, asthma – the medical field gives medication, which really masks the symptoms. There is no cure for migraines. What I’ve found over the years is that when people with migraines come for a session, they always remember either a face or a head injury. And reliving that injury seems to disperse the trauma, and the pain goes. I’ve got thousands of stories, some of which have been published in newspapers. I also appeared in ITV Daybreak back in 2012 with the skeptic doctor – and that was a real turning point of a migraine patient appearing on national TV in the U.K., who shared her story of how remembering a head injury killed her migraines. The sad thing is when a lot of people have these experiences, it’s “Why did I not meet you 10 years ago, 15 years ago?” I feel like the medical field, and even the therapeutic – when you speak of open-minded to regression, you don’t need to believe in it, but just be open-minded to see if this can help. I feel there’s so much benefit that can be gained from exploring our past lives, because we’re a byproduct of our past, just as our childhood affects who we are today. If you believe in reincarnation, our past lives affect us. We have many past lives, but we’re not always aware of it. Understanding where you’ve been previously gives you a sense of understanding and also the thing that’s limiting you to create release and to create empowerment.

How many past lives do we have?

How long is a piece of string? Numbers is a very material thing. We live in a world where we put so much emphasis on a person’s age or how much money someone has, and when it comes to numbers – how long is a piece of string? I feel we have so many past lives. It’s a continuation. The body may go, but the mind, the soul lives on. So it’s like you’re here, body gone, but the mind, the soul — which is the consciousness — lives on. It’s just a continuation, and then into the new vessel.

How does the mind go from the body that you lived in into another life?

That comes through choice. Some souls are very adamant. They’re very much attached to the material world, so they will reincarnate very quickly. It’s their will. Whereas some people may spend a longer time in the spirit world, and then they will choose to reincarnate. There’s a choice here to come back.

Have you regressed for yourself?

I have. I’ve had various experiences; I’ve worked with therapists. I’ll give you a classic example: I used to suffer from severe throat problems when I was much, much younger. I couldn’t express myself.  I remembered numerous past lives where I was hanged, I was shot, I was persecuted for my spiritual beliefs. As a result, very early on, I found it very hard to share my beliefs, to speak out. And actually doing these regressions — and it wasn’t one, it took a couple — I found the sore throats went. I found myself able to express myself more freely and openly. For me, there was a health benefit as well as a career benefit, because then I could openly speak and not feel ashamed or feel I have to keep this a secret.

At the beginning, did people take you for someone who was a little crazy?

I’m quite level-headed in the sense that with past lives, what a psychologist or a psychiatrist would say is that these are metaphors that the mind is creating. They understand it has a huge therapeutic benefit. So when I speak with people, I give them the skeptic’s view and then I give them my view. I think people respect that, because I think we have to look at both points of view. I love skeptics, because in a way, skeptics challenge me. If people want to think I’m crazy, good for them. I know who I am. In a way, sometimes it’s better to be crazy than to be conservative and to make other people happy. It’s about following your own soul’s calling – whatever that may be, whatever you choose to do is your choice.

It is. So where do you go from here?

I want the whole world to know about past-life regression, its therapeutic benefits. We’re in talks with various production companies. It’s still early days, so we’ll see where that goes. I’m hoping to make a bigger impact on the wider scale as such.

Then television it would be. Would it be through a television program or through something like Netflix?

It would be team efforts with articles and magazine pieces on regression, and pursuing television projects where I can promote regression in a serious manner.

Nicolas Aujula, past life reading

Do you know any of the people who do the same kind of work over here?

In the U.S., there is Brian Weiss. He’s very well-known. He’s based in Miami. He’s written various books. I have a lot of respect for him — for the work that he’s done and the way his message has affected the masses, because a lot of people who come to me have read his books. They’re like, “I read his books; I really want to see you.” So Brian Weiss is definitely at the forefront of regression in the U.S. and in the world.

How different is he from you?

Different — that’s a good question. I think we’re all different. In one way, we are all the same. We all come from the same source, we all have an individual personality that shapes us to be who we are. In terms of difference, that’s a hard one. Age, maybe, in terms of how people may relate to one. People sometimes look at me and they don’t necessarily think I’m a regressionist until they found out. That’s a hard question.

Do people find peace after meeting with you?

They do. I think realizing your past lives enables you to understand who you are today. Your personality, your talents, any fears and phobias you may have, and any challenges you’ve been through in your life. Once you discover this memory, reliving it allows you to release whatever may be limiting you. Some people say, “It’s like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I can now understand why certain things have happened in my life.” It gives them a sense of peace within themselves.

Do you believe that we control our destiny, that we control ourselves?

Yes, I think we are masters of our own destiny. However, if we are stuck in trauma, if we’re stuck in limiting thoughts, which we’re not aware of, that in itself has a huge effect on our destiny. The more clear we become, the clearer channel we become, the more you come into your own power, then the more you are in charge of your own destiny. That’s how I see it.

What is the process of the reading? Do you do stuff afterwards?

Generally with a regression, we always begin with a relaxation. It’s really important to be relaxed. Your body will feel heavy, but your mind will be awake and alert. It’s being in that relaxed state that facilitates your ability to access your subconscious mind, which is the vault of all your hidden memories. That’s what we’re using to tap into. Some people may see their past lives, some people may sense, some people may feel. It depends what is the strongest sense. I tend to ask a lot of questions, such as, “Where are you?” “What are you – male or female?” “What’s going on?” We really try to build up an image, a scenario of what kind of life you’ve actually had and the experiences that you’ve had. But more importantly, how that’s affecting you now, what needs to be changed, and what you can draw from the past that can be built on.

You would be called a psychic then.

Psychic – in some ways, yes.

How would you define it then?

When people go to a psychic, they are reliant on the psychic for answers. They can become dependent. It can become like a drug. Whereas with a regression, I’m taking you deeper than your soul, because no one can understand you better than yourself. Your soul knows so much about you. You could go to a therapist, you could go to a priest, you could speak to your marriage partner you’ve been with for 25 years. They can never understand the story behind your story, and what I mean by that is the various stories you put forward. So in a way, it’s for you to have that instant realization, that revelation that’s most important.

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