

This Flavored Sparkling Waterloo Water Has Zero Calories AND Zero Sodium

Did you know that in 1837 settlers founded the village of Waterloo on the banks of the Colorado River

By 1839, Waterloo would change its name to Austin, the capital of the Republic of Texas

As famous as can be, the owners of the new sparkling water corporation decided to adopt the original name of their city, Waterloo for their new company.

Waterloo sparkling water has 0 calories, 0 sugar and 0 sodium and it tastes delicious, delivering a rich flavor aroma in their water.

These aromatic extracts are captured from the steam that boils off real fruit.  Flavor notes are captured using extremely high pressure equipment which essentially squeezes the concentration of oils out resulting in an intense flavor. The ingredients deliver the fullness of the fruit taste.

It comes in 7 flavors: Original, Grapefruit, Lime, Lemon, Black Cherry, Coconut, Watermelon

Each has a natural clean and crisp flavor.  Available in pack of 12 cans.

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