
Watch The Hollywood Beauty Awards Segment On CBS’ ‘The Doctors’

On Friday, May 12th, the CBS hit daytime show "The Doctors" featured a special segment on LATF's annual Hollywood Beauty Awards.

Watch the segment with Michele Elyzabeth, LATF USA's publisher & founder of the Hollywood Beauty Awards and Dr. Harold Lancer, dermatologist and the recipient of the 2017 Beauty Enhancement Award.

The 3rd annual Hollywood Beauty Awards (HBAs) took place on Sunday, February 19, 2017. The 4th HBAs will take place on Sunday, February 25, 2018.

The HBAs were created to recognize the architects of beauty in hair, makeup, photography and styling in Hollywood. The HBAs honor the unsung heroes in the beauty industry, including Beauty Enhancement, Timeless Beauty, New Beauties, Fragrance of the Year, Brand and Product of the Year.

hollywood beauty awards, michele Elyzabeth, dr. lancer, dr. ordon, dr. stork

Dr. Travis Stork, Dr. Harold Lancer, Michele Elyzabeth and Dr. Andrew Ordon

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