
Mountain DEWcision: Pitch Black Is Back!

For the past three months, the country has been engaged in a passionate election that has changed the course of history forever: DEWcision 2016.

Members of DEW Nation have cast their votes for either MTN DEW®  BAJA BLAST™ or MTN DEW PITCH BLACK™, two specialty flavors that developed cult followings over the years, and after months of voting and wild online challenges, the results are now in. With more than 2.9 million votes, PITCH BLACK has edged out BAJA BLAST by less than a half of a percent of the total 5,789,284 million votes.

PITCH BLACK has won the election. And PITCH BLACK will become a permanent member of the MTN DEW retail lineup, making its debut on shelves this September.

Fans cast their votes on or Twitter by including one of the following hashtags in their tweets: #VoteBajaBlast or #VotePitchBlack.

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