

National Martini Day: Shake It With Be Tini!

Be Tini, martini, cucumber cooler recipe"Shaken, not stirred." Ah, yes… the famous lines of 007. On June 19th aka Father's Day, many will repeat that line on National Martini Day!

We're celebrating with some BeTini recipes!

Perfect for this record-hot weekend: The Be Tini Cucumber Cooler

What You Need:

2 oz Be Tini Lemon Drop

3/4 oz lemon juice

1 slice of cucumber

1 honey dew ball

club soda


martini glass

shaker/ muddler

honeydew melon ball and cucumber on a toothpick for garnish

What To Do:


In a shaker, muddle a slice of cucumber, honeydew melon ball, and lemon juice. Next add Be Tini Lemon Drop and some ice. Shake everything together and strain into a martini glass. Top your drink off with club soda and garnish with a cucumber slice and a honeydew melon ball.

More recipes at:

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