

Weekend To Do: California Strawberry Festival

2016 California Strawberry FestivalIt's already that time of year! Bring the family to the land of the strawberries this weekend. Wholesome hits home at this weekend’s California Strawberry Festival in Oxnard, May 21 & 22.

Where else can you nosh on strawberry nachos, deep fried strawberries, and strawberry pizza, along with a gulp of strawberry beer while knowing proceeds go to local charities? The popular pie eating contest and tart toss are the essence of goo and good fun.

On 15 acres of parkland, the heralded event features 50 food booths, live concerts, 200 arts & crafts, celebrity chef demonstrations, rides and attractions in Strawberryland for Kids, and more.

WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, May 21 and 22, 2016                    10:00a.m. to 6:30p.m.


Strawberry Tart Toss at 11:00am and 2:30pm

Berry Blast Off Recipe Contest 1:00pm (Saturday only)

Strawberry Smackdown Contest 1:00pm (Sunday only)

Strawberry Pie Eating Contest at 1:00pm and 4:00pm

Strawberry Relay at 5:00pm

Strawberry Shortcake Build Off Contest at 12:45pm, 2:45pm, 4:45pm

Berry Best Strawberry Hat Contest at 3:00pm

Berry Best Dressed Baby Contest at 3:30pm


Strawberry Meadows of College Park                        3250 South Rose Avenue, Oxnard

Driving Directions:

Free Park N ride shuttle service offers direct route and preferred access:

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