
COLCOA Film Festival: And The Winners Are…

COLCOA 2016 winnersThe Franco-American Cultural Fund, a partnership of the DGA, MPA, WGAW and France's Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music (SACEM), announced today that The Innocents, written by Pascal Bonitzer, Sabrina B. Karine and Alice Vial, and directed by Anne Fontaine was selected for the COLCOA Audience Award. The film will be released in the U.S. by Music Box Films.

Come What May was awarded the COLCOA LAFCA Critics Award by the Los Angeles Film Critics Association jury at the 20th annual COLCOA French Film Festival.

Made in France, co-written and directed by Nicolas Boukhrief, won the Audience Special Prize while the Critics Special Prize went to The First, the Last, written and directed by Bouli Lanners.

Special Mentions were given by the Audience to Un Plus Une, co-written and directed by Claude Lelouch and to I am a Soldier, co-written and directed by Laurent Lariviere; two Special Mentions were givenby the Critics to Fatima, written and directed by Philippe Faucon and The Innocents.

The Best Documentary Award went to Tomorrow, co-written and co-directed by Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent.   

The First Feature Awards went to Neither Heaven nor Earth, co-written and directed by Clément Cogitore. The film will be released in the U.S. by Film Movement.

The COLCOA Coming Soon Award, a prize given in association with KPCC 89.3, to a film presented with an attached U.S. distributor, went to animated feature Long Way North, co-written and directed by Rémi Chayé. The film will be released in the U.S. by Shout! Factory.

Presented  in association with TV France International and TITRAFILM, the COLCOA Television Competition has three winners for TV Drama : Carpets and Chaos, co-written and directed by Nader Takmil Homayoun (Audience Award and Jury Award), Borderline, co-written and directed by Olivier Marchal (Audience Special Prize), Woman Under Influence, written and directed by Claude-Michel Rome (Jury Special Prize). Two TV series got two awards: The Bureau – Season 2 (Audience Award and Jury Special Prize), Call My Agent (Jury Award and Audience Special Prize).  

It's Caviar, written and directed by Sarah Lelouch won the Audience Award in the Short Competition category, while Mother(s) from writer-director Maïmouna Doucouré, won the Jury Award.  A short filmwon both the Jury and the Audience Special Prize:  Millions of Tears, written and directed by Natalie Beder. Enemies Within, written and directed by Sélim Azzazi, also got a Special Prize from the audience. Special mentions went to Cold Coffee (Jury) and to Our Fallen Heroes (audience).

Celebrating its 20th anniversary, the nine day festival set a record attendance of 25,000 at the Directors Guild of America, site of the festivities.  34 features and documentaries, nine TV Drama and Series, and 21 shorts competed for the 2016 COLCOA Awards.



– Audience Award: THE INNOCENTS (Les Innocentes)

– Audience Special Prize: MADE IN FRANCE

– Audience Special Mentions: UN PLUS UNE & I AM A SOLDIER (Je suis un soldat)

– Critics Award: COME WHAT MAY (En Mai fais ce qu'il te plait)

– Critics Special Prize: THE FIRST, THE LAST (Les Premiers, les derniers)

– Critics Special Mentions:  FATIMA, THE INNOCENTS (Les Innocentes), Actor Nicolas Duvauchelle for his performance in A DECENT MAN (Je ne suis pas un héros)

– First Feature Award: NEATHER HEAVEN NOR EARTH (Ni le ciel, ni la terre)

– Best Documentary Award: TOMORROW (Demain)

– Coming Soon Award: LONG WAY NORTH (Tout en haut du monde)


– Jury TV Drama Award: CARPETS AND CHAOS (Les Pieds dans le tapis)

– Jury TV Drama Special Prize: WOMAN UNDER INFLUENCE (L'Emprise)

– Jury TV Series Award: CALL MY AGENT – SEASON 1 (10%)

– Jury TV Series Special Prize: THE BUREAU-SEASON 2 (Le Bureau des Légendes)

– Audience TV Drama Award: CARPET AND CHAOS (Les Pieds dans le tapis)

– Audience TV Drama Special Prize: BORDERLINE

– Audience TV Series Award: THE BUREAU – SEASON 2 (Le Bureau des Légendes)

– Audience TV Series Special Prize: CALL MY AGENT – SEASON 1 (10%)


– COLCOA Jury Short Film Award: MOTHER(S) (Maman(s))

– COLCOA Jury Short Film Special Prize: MILLIONS OF TEARS (Des Millions de       larmes)

– COLCOA Jury Short Film Special Mentions: COLD COFFEE (Café Froid)

– COLCOA Audience Short Film Award: IT'S CAVIAR (C'est du caviar)

COLCOA Audience Short Film Special Prize: MILLIONS OF TEARS & ENEMIES WITHIN (Des Millions de larmes & Ennemis intérieurs)

– COLCOA Jury Short Film Special Mentions: OUR FALLEN HEROES (A ses enfants, la Patrie reconnaissante)

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