
NJ Governor Chris Christie Steps Into The 2016 Presidential Race

Video stream – 6/30/15 speech

On Tuesday morning, NJ Governor Chris Christie joined the 2016 Presidential race. There are now 14 Republicans and just a handful of Democrats going full force ahead on the campaign trail. Christie spoke for about 30 minutes with no teleprompter to a crowd of supporters in Livingston, New Jersey.

“I have spent the last 13 years of my life, as U.S. attorney and governor of this state, fighting for fairness and justice and opportunity for the people of the state of New Jersey. That fight has not made me more weary. It has made me stronger, and I am now ready to fight for the people of the United States of America,” Christie said with passion.

The NJ Governor added, “Only in America could all of you believe that your voices and your efforts could make a difference to change a country as big, and vast, and powerful as this one. Only in America have we seen the truth of the words that one person can make a difference.”

He added towards the end of his speech, “I don’t seek the presidence for any other reason but because I believe in my heart that I am ready to work with you to restore America…”

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