

The Easter Bunny Is Bringing Baskets To Children On Skid Row

Fred Jordan Mission on EasterThis year, on Saturday April 4th from 11AM to 3PM, The Fred Jordan Mission and The Easter Bunny will greet and give Easter Baskets to poor and homeless inner city children on Skid Row.

Thousands of working poor and homeless men, women, children and families will be served a delicious chicken brunch by dedicated volunteers from all over the Southland.

Willie Jordan, President of Fred Jordan Mission, will lead the guests in a traditional Easter service filled with the true Easter story and inspirational music.

Food Bags filled with fresh fruits and vegetables will be given to every family.

At the close of each Easter service, the Mission will conduct a special “Blessings for the Children” which will include Willie, her sons Tom and Peter, and others who will pray for God’s blessings upon each baby and each child.

For more info visit 

Photo not of baskets given







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