
Studies Show Coffee Could Lower Skin Cancer Risks

CoffeeCaffeine addicts rejoice – your morning cup of joe could be doing more good than simply upping your energy. A new study by the National Institutes for Health- American Association of Retired Persons links higher coffee consumption to lower risk of skin cancer. The Yale-National Cancer Institute supported study revealed that people who consumed at least four cups of caffeinated coffee per day had a lower risk of malignant melanoma when compared with lower consumption (less than one cup per day).

The research, gathered by observing 447,357 participants with 2,904 incident cases of malignant melanoma identified, concluded that compared with non-coffee drinkers, those who drank the most coffee had a 20% lower risk of malignant melanoma.

“It’s intriguing,” says Dr. Darrell Rigel, Skin Cancer Expert and Medical Director at Schweiger Dermatology Group. “Any study that presents data to help in potentially lowering the skin cancer risk should be looked into further.”

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