The third and final season of HBO’s hit series, The Newsroom begins November 9th. The grande finale finds Will and Mac and the staff of “News Night” facing two explosive situations: the possibility of a hostile takeover of the network looming on the horizon, and leaked classified government documents that unleash a legal fire storm that threatens to topple more than one professional career. Set against the backdrop of the Boston Marathon bombing, The Newsroom kicks off the season with a highly charged look at the core issue of maintaining journalistic integrity in the era of 24-hour news cycles, while crowd-sourcing and “citizen journalism” result in the dissemination of misinformation.
Going beyond the headlines, the six-part season turns its attention inward, focusing on a series of internal events at ACN that rock the very foundation of the network, and tackles such topics as privacy issues, the influence of social media on traditional news gathering and corporate takeover. The men and women of “News Night” are faced with personal and professional dilemmas that will forever determine their futures.
Created by showrunner Aaron Sorkin (Oscar winner for writing “The Social Network,” executive producer and creator of the multiple Emmy winner “The West Wing”), the Golden Globe-nominated HBO drama series The Newsroom follows the “News Night” team at the cable network ACN on their quixotic mission to do the news well in the face of a fickle audience, corporate mandates and tangled personal relationships.