Since the news broke that 28 year-old officer, Darren Wilson would not be indicted for the fatal shooting of 18 year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, there has been a nationwide response. Both peaceful and some violent marches and protests have taken place around the country.
At a news conference on Tuesday morning, Brown’s family spoke through their attorney saying, “We could foresee what the outcome was going to be… A first year law student would have done a better job at cross examining. Where was his [Darren Wilson] veracity ever challenged? Where was his credibility ever challenged.”
He continued, “New York, Los Angeles, California, Cleveland; young people of color are being killed by police officers.”
The Brown family proposed the Michael Brown Law, in which: “every police officer in every American city has a body camera. It will just be transparent and we can see it for ourselves. The system is so unfair to the citizens.”
In response to the protests, “Instead of striving to make a lot of violence… strive to make a difference. We know it’s frustrating and we know that it’s painful. It’s painful to any parent, especially parents of young people of color. We worry about our children everyday… it shouldn’t be like that. We should expect the police to treat our children just lik they treat any other children in the community.”
In Ferguson, protesters and looters threw bottles and rocks at police. The sound of gun shots were reported throughout the area and over a dozen businesses were damaged or destroyed. Some were set fire. According to a St. Louis County Police spokesman, there were 61 arrests in Ferguson overnight, many for burglary and trespassing. 21 arrests took place in St. Louis.
Here in Los Angeles, protesters attemptes to block the eastbound 10 Freeway on Monday evening. Others blocked traffic along the 110 Freeway lanes at Pico Boulevard.
According to KCal9 reports, a second crowd gathered in Exposition Park, causing a temporary lockdown of the USC campus.