
American Humane Association Launches “Animal Stars”

Animal Stars bookSince the dawn of Hollywood, animal actors have played some of the most unforgettable characters ever seen on the silver screen. Their characters have charmed and delighted moviegoers and television audiences for generations, and now, American Humane Association announced that its new book “Animal Stars: Behind the Scenes With Your Favorite Animal Actors, will be published by New World Library on September 18th. Written by American Humane Association’s President and CEO Dr. Robin Ganzert and Allen and Linda Anderson, the husband-and-wife founders of the Angel Animals Network, and featuring a foreword by “America’s Veterinarian” Dr. Marty Becker, “Animal Stars” offers unprecedented access to the fascinating, hidden world of animals and animal trainers in today’s film and television industry — and the celebrities they work with.

Ever wonder how a cat learned to flush a toilet on camera (Meet the Fockers)? Or why the dog Uggie was accused of stealing every scene he was in in The Artist, including on the red carpet? From Joey in War Horse to the wolves in Game of Thrones, what we see on-screen is only the tip of the iceberg. The heartwarming stories in “Animal Stars” reveal the trainers, actors, directors, and, of course, dogs, cats, horses, birds, and more in their behind-the-scenes glory. Readers will discover that certain animal stars have diva tendencies, while others have rags-to-riches backstories, and that directors and actors stretch professional boundaries to create emotional ties with their nonhuman coworkers.

Whether penguins, horses, mixed-breed rescue dogs, or lynxes, the animals on set are as lovable, personality-filled, and at times frustrating as the animals in our own homes. World-class Hollywood animal trainers offer bonus tips for training pets after each chapter, and film icons like Steven Spielberg, Julia Roberts, Ewan McGregor, and Hailee Steinfeld share personal recollections about working with the animal stars who stole their hearts.

This book features unprecedented access to the Hollywood stars from the animal kingdom that only an organization with nearly 150 years’ experience of protecting the nation’s children and animals like American Humane Association could provide. “Animal Stars” will be published on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the organization’s “No Animals Were Harmed®” Program, which has overseen the protection of literally millions of animal actors on thousands of movie and television sets around the world since 1940. The “No Animals Were Harmed®” Program, the only industry-sanctioned program with oversight of animals in filmed production, has made the protection of animal actors its duty and charter.

Animal Stars” has already received rave reviews and is currently on both the and Barnes & Noble Booksellers bestseller lists. Due to this overwhelming popular demand, New World Library has agreed to make the e-book edition of the book available on August 19 to all of its major e-book retail partners, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Google Play, and Kobo. As an added bonus, all books ordered between now and September 30th come with a free gift – your choice of a commemorative “Animal Stars” tote bag or coffee mug!

Dr. Ganzert and some of the special animal stars featured in the book will be hitting the road this fall as part of a special national book signing tour, with dates already booked in Dallas, Houston, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Washington, Boston, and more to be announced very soon!

For more information about “Animal Stars,” including book signing tour dates; special videos from Hollywood directors Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, and Cameron Crowe on the important work of the “No Animals Were Harmed®” Program; and information on how to receive the special free gift with every book ordered by September 30th visit

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