
HBO Renews “VICE” For Two More Seasons

VICE on HBOHBO has renewed the news magazine series VICE for two more seasons. Season three will debut in 2015 with 14 episodes, and season four will debut in 2016. Hosted by Shane Smith, founder of the revolutionary global youth media company of the same name, VICE explores today’s most pressing issues, from civil unrest and hotbeds of terrorism, to unchecked government corruption and looming environmental catastrophes.

“The success of VICE on HBO proves that people are hungry to be engaged in world events when the storytelling is not packaged into sound bites,” noted Lombardo. “VICE’s smart, honest, in-depth approach to news coverage is a perfect complement to HBO’s programming.”

“We would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to HBO for letting us do what we love for another two seasons, and for providing the best platform in television where the stories we work so hard on can live,” says Shane Smith. “VICE on HBO has transformed our brand. It has forced us to get better, to try harder and now, with two new seasons, we will keep striving to be better still. We promise to report on the underreported, to tell the forgotten stories and to remain committed to uncovering the truth about our planet in peril. Here we come.”

Smith and VICE correspondents traverse the globe, bringing viewers the overlooked and underreported stories, all told through an immersive documentary style that offers a unique perspective on the events shaping the future.

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