
Health: Hemorrhoids Happen, Recticare Rectifies

RectiCare Cream reviewIt may not sound glamorous, but for some, hemorrhoids are unavoidable. People get them everyday and it’s something that cannot be ignored. To start, what are hemorrhoids? They are swollen and inflamed veins in the anus and lower rectum. We warned you, it’s nothing pretty to talk about. Luckily, there are remedies. If you do have hemorrhoids and experience pain due to a flare up, reach for a topical local anesthetic such as RectiCare® Cream.

With summer right around the corner, people are exercising and lifting weights to get in shape. Unfortunately, certain types of activities can lead to the development of painful hemorrhoids. Even cyclists may develop hemorrhoids due to the reduction of blood flow to the anal area and the friction that develops when sitting on a bike seat; even a stationary bike.

RectiCare Cream contains 5% lidocaine, which provides rapid relief from burning, itching and pain. Each tube comes with a supply of “finger cots,” little covers that fit over the finger. They promote hygienic application, since the finger doesn’t come into contact with the product or the area to which it’s being applied.

Price: $29.99 and is available at Walgreens and Rite Aid stores without a prescription.

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RectiCare Cream review


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