
Celebrate The American Licorice Company’s 100th Birthday With Delicious Fruit Vines!

We haven’t been this addicted to a chewy sweet candy since Fruit Roll-Ups in grade school and of course, Red Vines at the movie theater. Ever since we opened the first bag of Fruit Vines® Bites, we can’t stop eating them. Each petite chewy bite is packed with a fruity punch: cherry or strawberry flavor. Sweet candy lovers must try this new line from the American Licorice Company!

Celebrating 100 years in the candy making business, the American Licorice Company made Fruit Vines as a new addition to their sweet family.

“We wanted to develop a soft, chewy, fruity candy that would appeal to candy lovers everywhere,” said Stephanie Louie, Red Vines Brand Manager. “The bite size pieces are perfect for a quick treat to help everyone bring a sweet celebration to their day.”
Low fat and made with no preservatives, Fruit Vines® Bites are available in two fruit flavors – strawberry and cherry – and in three sizes: a 2 oz. single serve, a 5 oz. hanging bag and a 10 oz. re-sealable stand-up bag. Candy shoppers will be able to find Fruit Vines® Bites at national retailers such as Walmart, Kroger, Walgreens, Target and more.

Here’s a fun video from Red Vines… meet the Fruit Vine REDi robot:

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