
A Young Hero Saves Family From Fire

On Monday, 8 year-old Tyler J. Doohan of East Rochester became a hero, after attempting to rescue a disabled relative inside a burning mobile-home. Before firefighters arrived, Tyler was able to wake six other people in the small trailer, including two more children, ages 4 and 6, Penfield Fire Chief Chris Ebmeyer said.

Dohhan was staying with relatives in upstate New York when he noticed a fire in the trailer. He rushed back into the blazing fire to save his grandfather, who was not able to move himself. 

“By that time, the fire had traveled to the back of the trailer,” Ebmeyer said. “Unfortunately they both succumbed to heat and smoke.”

Tragically, they were too late. Doohan and his grandfather’s body were found together in a back bedroom. His uncle was found in a front room. 

“It makes me really proud, it really does, but I just want him back,” Tyler’s mother told CNN. “I’m just so grateful that he went with people that he loved,” she said. “He didn’t go alone.”

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