
Family’s Death Still A Mystery After Remains Are Found

Missing McStays FamilyFor some police officials, this is one of the biggest mysteries ever witnessed. On February 8th, 2010, Joseph McStay, Summer McStay and their two small children went missing. The family’s locked and abandoned Isuzu Trooper was found in San Ysidro, California, just two blocks from the Mexican border. According to CNN, surveillance video taken that night shows a family fitting the description of the McStays walking into Mexico. But from there the trail goes cold. On Monday November 11th, their remains were found in the California desert.

San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon said that he and his office, along with the FBI will look at this crime from the beginning. Authorities confirmed the identity of two of four sets of remains found Monday in the California desert near Victorville as those of Joseph McStay and his wife Summer, McMahon said Friday. The family was identified through dental records. Two other remains found nearby are believed to be those of their sons Joseph and Gianni, McMahon said.

Moving forward, positive identification will be confirmed through DNA testing.

At this point, still no suspects have been identified and there is no report as to the cause of death.

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