

Israeli Prime Minister Seeks Peace & Take Down Of Iran’s Nuclear Program

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin NetanyahuIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave an impassioned and convincing speech Tuesday morning. “It’s hard to find evidence that Iran doesn’t have a nuclear program,” he said. He is determined to warn United Nations delegates that they must stand firm in putting pressure on Iran to reveal its nuclear program for inspection. “Iran is developing nuclear weapons.”

“A nuclear Iran wouldn’t be another North Korea, it would be another 50 North Koreas.” He followed with the fact that he is aware some think he is exaggerating.

But the Prime Minister remained fervid in his tone. “To prevent war tomorrow, we must be firm today,” Netanyahu firmly stated. In conclusion, the Israeli leader said that his fellow global leaders must keep the “pressure” on so that Iran’s nuclear program is “fully and verifiably dismantled.” But he is prepared to continue his peace fight without support.

“If Israel must stand alone, Israel will stand alone.”

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