
LUSH: Have Fun With Your Cosmetics

LushEMOTIONAL BRILLIANCE brings your personality out; introducing a brand new concept matching psychological needs to which color cosmetics one should wear. This range – consisting of lip colors, eyeliners and eyeshadows – is less about wearing make-up that’s in-season or on-trend and more about wearing colors that shape your mood. Emotional Brilliance is a way to wear color that’s designed for you

LUSH Co-Founder and Inventor of Emotional Brilliance, Rowena Bird, comments, “I love lipstick, but why wasn’t one great color ever enough, why was I drawn to a particular one on different days or even sometimes feel the need to change color part way through a day? After chatting with like minded lipstick junkies, it struck us that it wasn’t about what clothes we were wearing but more about how we were feeling and so the idea was born.”

LUSH has worked with renowned Strategic Behavioral Therapist Lady Kennedy, who specializes in changing people’s behavior and attitudes, for the list of words to correspond with each color. They are words she uses in therapy sessions to alter perceptions and change behavior. She specializes in mind care and working on one’s emotional state, where she takes someone from one state of mind and delivers them in another. The Emotional Brilliancerange brings this form of exclusive mind therapy to consumers.

Play The Game

This color game is intended to unveil the colors one should wear to fulfill a need – spin the wheel and choose the three colors that stand out at that moment. Not because they are your favorite colors or because they match what you’re wearing, but because you are drawn to them.

These three chosen colors will then be placed in the middle of the wheel in the order they have been picked. The first color choice symbolizes your STRENGTH OR WEAKNESS; the second choice represents your SUBCONSCIOUS NEED; while the third choice is your TALENT and it is what you require to achieve your subconscious need.


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